Happy Mother’s Day. Here is to our first!

To the one in my life that is my balance and my partner. My teammate and one I can rest in. To you much love. We are in a new place in our lives. While I call you wife you are now known as mom, mommy, mama, but would secretly loved to be called marmie.

While Mother’s day is always going to be a special day in reflection of my late mom, who will never be forgotten, Mother’s day brings a new song. Our new melody is Rosemary! To see you, Katie taking care of Rosemary while she was still in your womb, and now to see you providing sweet nourishment as you completely give yourself, your time and your energy to making sure Rosemary is safely growing, is a thing of beauty. The connection that started at the very beginning, in the womb as you carried and cared for our Sweet Pea. You truly were created to be a mother and it shows. I can see it in your glow as you hold Rosemary and play with her. Everyday as she grows, it gives you more and more joy. Your composure is of one who feels complete and whole. For that I honor you this Mother’s day, for this is your first of many.

[audio:http://6offour.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/01-Love-Grows-Where-My-Rosemary-Goes-2.mp3|titles=Love Grows…Rosemary Goes]
Love Grows, Where My Rosemary Goes

I have a whole new appreciation to mothers across the world this Mother’s day. To know of the joy and contention you all have in having a family and exploring the world of your little one(s) is something really special. This world would not know of the tender and special care that only mothers can give. Here is to all of you amazing women out there and especially to my wife, Katie, for her love for her lil’ Bird, Rosemary.

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  • Lori - June 16, 2010 - 1:54 am


  • jeramy - May 10, 2010 - 2:17 pm

    love it!!! our kids used to nurse on my nose too! happy mothers day!

  • erica & matt skelton - May 9, 2010 - 11:18 pm

    Oh that song put a smile on my face 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day Katie 🙂

  • emilie inc. - May 9, 2010 - 8:24 am

    Aw, too sweet. Love you all. Happy Mother’s Day! xo

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